
Ask Me Anything

Ask me anything, and maybe I'll answer you.

I'm serious. Ask me anything. At least something.

I'm feeling quite detached from the blogosphere, lately. Reading-wise and posting-wise. I need a nudge.


ruthie.von said...

would you ever consider reading your poetry aloud at a poetry night? Because I totally went to one in provo last night and I think you would fit in perfectly. They're probably doing another one next month. You should look into it and get your face in there. It's called Speak for Yourself Poetry night, they do it at Muse Music Cafe on university ave in Provo. Look it up on facebook. I would love love love love to hear you read you beautiful words aloud :)

Jana said...

When are we going to hang out?!?

Alison said...

What are the best and worst gifts you have ever received?

If you want more, I can totally give more. I'm a teacher. We're made to have all these questions in mind for first-day-of-school icebreakers. :)

Alex said...

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

Actually, how about, tell us about your craziest bus burning experience. I know you have one...

Alex said...

I'll blog about it if you will. It'll be like our twin Isaac Slade stories.

Kimberly Jo said...

What is the difference between a raven and a writing desk?