
Nice Niece Advice

If you are ever visiting home and you don't want to go back to your apartment because of homework, projects, tests, or you are not quite fitting in yet, or you're still adjusting to recent changes, it is probably best if you have an almost six year-old niece to help put things into perspective.

"Bethany, I have to talk to you in private." My niece pulled me by the hand to the hallway. I got down onto my knees and waited for what the wide-eyed, enthusiastic Sophie had to say to me. She spoke quietly and with sincerity. "If you're wondering why you're not making friends, it's because your hair is short and looks like a boy. But it doesn't matter what other people think about you; it matters what you think about you."

Well, guess I'm hopeless till this mane grows out.


ruthie.von said...

haha ok that was cute. When she was younger my cousin used to have a lot to say about my short hair too.

Shannon said...

Awe my little angel, she loves you and has drawn a million pictures for you this week. She has been wanting to show you she is good at drawing like you, I can't believe I forgot them. But I am glad she gave you that little pep-talk.

Anonymous said...

It's almost like an insult with a positive twist in the end.
Nice advice, Soph!
My favorite part is, "If you're wondering why you're not making friends, it's because your hair is short and looks like a boy."

Cami said...

She is one of the cutest, sweestest people on this planet. Love her!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, I never thought of you as a boy, i've always liked you, short hair and all.