

Last week my alarm decided not to wake me up. Instead of learning my lesson and setting an alarm on a normal clock, last night I just set two alarms on my phone. 6:34 and 6:35 were the designated times so I could get to the bus by 7:46 so I could meet with a blind student to go over some reading.

7:47 an internal alarm rings. I throw my phone at the wall, cursing all electronics for not cooperating.

Actually, I just sat straight up and said something like, "Oh. My. Gosh." And I quickly went over my options. And then I remembered that I had no options. The bus is 97% of the time five minutes late. So I jumped up, threw on some jeans and a hoodie. Deodorant? No time. Bathroom? That can wait. Mascara? Day old. Breakfast? Don't make me laugh like a crazed hyena. Brush teeth? That will never be out of the question.

So I grabbed my keys, my bag, and jumbled out the door. My hair looked like a chimpanzee's, and I didn't even want to imagine what the back of it looked like. And I bit my lip as I processed the fact that I was heading into public looking like a baboon.

I made it right on time for the last bus that would get me to campus 'on time'. And by 'on time,' I mean three to four minutes late. I call that a partial success. A full success would be if I made it in that much time looking like a human being.

Either way,

Happy Monday, people. Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha. Q.
First, I'm so happy that you posted about events from life! I love hearing your stories.
"Breakfast? Don't make me laugh like a crazed hyena."
"My hair looked like a chimpanzee's, and I didn't even want to imagine what the back of it looked like."
Good thing I'm at home, so all my lol'ing is acceptable.
I forgot your hair is short. Meaning, that it can't necessarily be covered up by a ponytail.
You are such a wonderful human being, Q. GREAT JOB making it on time.
I especially love the hyena part, though.