Alex. Kiyna. Bethany. We all have blue eyes.
I like these two souls. They've been my best friends for practically forever.
I can't remember a time when I didn't know Kiyna.
She is what people would call a "good listener." Because she does listen. In a good manner. And she thoughtfully and honestly responds to what you say.
I met Alex in the third grade. People say we look alike. And everyone says she looks like Bella Swan. Everyone.
She is adventurous and strong. And she never hides the epitome of her character.
Sometimes the three of us synchronize our laughter. Unintentionally.
Sometimes we blast "Colors of the Wind" in the car.
Sometimes we have inside jokes about tire-spinning, potato bugs, and ankles.
And they don't even shun me when I abbreviate words. They just pick up on the habit, instead.
Everyone needs friends who don't shun them when they abrevs evs.